Saturday, October 3, 2009

MS CRM 4.0 Sending Attachments to the Browser

In a previous blog article I covered how to take files and make them attachments to emails. Creating Attachments to emails and annotations 

Recently I’ve been spending more time building portals to MS CRM, and have needed to make attached files available to the user by browser.

From a custom web app running with MS CRM you can always create a link like the following that will call the annotation editor screen which will let you download the attachment or delete it or add an additional attachment to the annotation.

string link = String.Format(@"{0}{1}/notes/edit.aspx?id={2}", crmServerBaseUrl, orgname, thisNote.annotationid.Value);

However sometimes when working with an external application you don’t have the ability to call the MS CRM functionality or for aesthetic reasons you want things to look differently. In this case I have a Silverlight 3 application with a completely different look and feel and I just need to retrieve annotation attachments from a list associated with an entity or contact. The ExportFile() method below would work just as well with an activitymimeattachment for email attachments.

The following aspx file simply takes an annotationid querystring, retrieves that annotation ( you provide the query) and sends the attached file to the user’s browser. The user will then be able to download the file or open the file in an appropriate application.

using System;
using System.Web;
using Passport.Web.Services.Logic;

namespace YourProject
    public partial class SendAnnotation : System.Web.UI.Page
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Request.QueryString["id"] != null)
                Guid annotationId = new Guid(Request.QueryString["id"].Replace("{", "").Replace("}", ""));

                // Get annotation
                annotation fileContainer = // fill in the query logic you need here.
                // Call method to write
                ExportFile(fileContainer.filename, fileContainer.documentbody, fileContainer.mimetype);             

        /// <summary>
        /// This method takes the annotation documentbody and writes it back to the browser
        /// with a file name and mimetype so that your browser knows how to intelligently 
        /// handle the file being sent to it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileName"></param>
        /// <param name="content"></param>
        /// <param name="type"></param>
        private void ExportFile(string fileName, string content, string type)
            byte[] fileContent = Convert.FromBase64String(content);
            Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + fileName);
            Response.ContentType = type;


Thursday, July 30, 2009

MS CRM 4.0, xRM and building blocks

I have spent a number of years working with MS CRM as the end solution while integrating it with many other systems to make it the center of an organization’s business processes, data tracking and communication.

Change is good.

My emphasis has changed over the last year from business analysis, configuration, integration and customization of MS CRM to xRM systems that use MS CRM as a framework to build non-CRM solutions, and now leveraging MS CRM and xRM systems as a part of larger solutions.

My change in direction has also made me seriously think about what can be data driven and abstracted away to allow much more powerful solutions. I’m looking at MS CRM’s metadata in a completely new way these days as I integrate MS CRM with EF, RIA services and Silverlight 3. Taking a page from MS CRM’s form designer I’m now building Silverlight XAML based on metadata.

I’m also working on creating a developer level product out of my MS CRM import framework. (Think Scribe but for developers with complete control over everything for one time data migrations and for scheduled synchronizations.)

Enamored with MS

A real credit to the MS CRM framework is that I’m always looking at the holes in other technologies compared to what MS CRM allows as a development framework. It seems like they are all playing a game of catch up.

As a person who loves finding interesting ways to bend and mold MS CRM to do amazing things for businesses, I think the latest developments in EF, RIA and SL3 are really exciting. MS is really giving us great building blocks to create better and more powerful solutions that really improve the user experience. MS should be blushing right now and waiting for me to pucker up and give them a kiss.

Didn’t always feel this way

Now don’t get me wrong. I didn’t drink the MS Kool-Aid early in my career. I was focused around UNIX technologies for over a decade, QNX (digital Mastering console with proprietary parallel processing backplane), SCO UNIX (tracking nuclear waste shipments by satellite) and (Continuous Emissions Monitoring systems), Interactive, AIX ( Medical Systems ). I also touched HP/UX, IRIX, Coherent and Linux to a lesser extent. 

At one point all serious work was done in UNIX, period. Now that am creating business solutions, I really can’t see any competitors to the business infrastructure and products that MS has and is developing. MS has so many technologies that really deliver and connect together easily that I rarely feel like I can’t create a solution to any problem.  Maybe I’m just having some really good development days lately, but it just seems like a lot of new technologies are really evolving well.

So how does this impact my blog?

I’m still working with all of the MS CRM API’s, but have noticed that a lot of things are so second nature that I don’t even think about them any more. The result is that I have less urges to write a blog articles.  I continue to read and answer questions in the newsgroup microsoft.public.crm.developer which is sometimes a source of inspiration for blog articles, and I expect to add some content soon on using the MS CRM metadata web service, so time will tell.

I’m also considering creating a secondary blog dealing with the fun of global development, virtual dev teams, finding talent, maximizing personal productivity, tools and lessons learned.

Of course the trick is keeping balance in my life while doing this. I’ve been very fortunate that I continue to be found by some great customers who have been fun to work with and have very interesting and challenging work. I am even more fortunate to have a great wife who pulls me away from the computer to play ( cycling, mountain biking, hiking, etc.. ).

Looking forward to the road ahead!

Monday, June 22, 2009

RFC822 Import to MS CRM email activity utility

When migrating from Goldmine and some other CRM systems to MS CRM there is sometimes a need to import historical email.  This is frequently stored in a SQL database in rfc822 format. RFC822 is an email format standard.

What I am providing is a single class along with a file from the MS CRM SDK that this class currently uses. This single class is consolidated from a number of other classes in my import framework and is intended to give you a nearly complete rfc822 import solution that you can modify for your needs.  Every place that you need to make a modification according to your particular system has a //TODO: comment explaining what you need to adjust particular to your configuration. In addition assume that there will be some tweaking required, and make sure to do thorough debugging and testing to verify that your email records are being properly generated.

You can download the source code here.

There are 2 steps to using this class.

Part 1: Initialize a new RFC822ToEmailActivity object.

var emailConversion = new RFC822ToEmailActivity("Contoso"); // Your Orgname

Part 2: Calling the CreateEmailFromRfc822Record() method

CreateEmailFromRfc822Record() should be called in your loop that is reading the rfc822 records

var emailEntity = emailConversion.CreateEmailFromRfc822Record(     rfc822Record, // This is the string holding the whole 822 record     localEmailDomainName, // This is the local email domain name ex.      emailOwnerId, // systemUserId of email entity owner     relatedEntityName, // contact or account or....     relatedEntityId // id of the entity to regard the email to
  1. Calls parsing method
  2. Creates email attachments from pathnames returned from parsing method.
  3. Writes to an error log file with all attachments that are not found and other errors.
  4. Makes any other changes to the email entity before saving it.
  5. Sets Email State as completed (sent or received) based on local domain name.

Called Internally: ParseRFC822() parsing and email activity creation.

  1. Parse an rfc822 record
  2. Create an email activity based on that record.
  3. Compare email addresses, both To: and From: with a local domain name to decide if the email is incoming or outgoing.
  4. Create ActivityParties for To:, CC:, BCC:, From: related to CRM users, Contacts, Accounts and Leads in that match order precedence.
  5. Return a list of pathnames to any attachments.

RFC882 Email Attachments

Products like Gold Mine are storing email bodies in the database but they only have pathnames to the attachments. These attachment paths are frequently on the end user’s local computer which can be unreliable. These attachments may have been renamed, moved or deleted.

Hint1: Create a single shared folder on a file server with a separate tree branch for each computer that has attached files in the email history and modify the pathnames programmatically to match the structure you create on the file server.

S:\importattachments\C\Documents and Settings\mkovalcson\My Documents

Hint2: Comment out or create a test mode where nothing is written into the CRM database, but missing attachments are still written to a log file where you can see what isn’t found and decide how important it is to hunt attachments down before the final import.

You may want to look at this before you get started.
MS CRM Data Import (Cleaning up the Mess)

Saturday, June 13, 2009

MS CRM 4.0 Entity Mapping and Hidden Mappings

Microsoft has a powerful way to manage automatic attribute mappings from entities created from other entities. Typically we see this in the QOI process where an Opportunity is created, and then a Quote, Order or Invoice can be created from the Opportunity and much of the information is automatically copied from the Opportunity to that Quote, Order or Invoice.

Entity Mapping

If you open up your Opportunity from Customize Entities and look at 1:N Relationships, you can see the opportunity_quotes relationship.


If you double click on that you will see mappings. This shows you the names of each source opportunity attribute that is “Mapped” to a target quote attribute when a Quote is created from an opportunity.


This is very useful if you want to add custom fields and have those automatically propagated too or if you want to disable any default mappings.

So what about mapping the opportunityproduct? or quotedetail, salesorderdetail, and invoicedetail for that matter?

Hidden Entity Mapping

Step 1. You need the EntityMapId for the relationship that you want to map.

You can manually scan the EntityMapBase table matching against the SourceEntityName and TargetEntityName.


Or you can write a select like the one below to get a nice list of Guids to copy and paste into a temporary form.

Select TargetEntityName, EntityMapId from dbo.EntityMapBase
where SourceEntityName = 'opportunityproduct'


Step 2. Take the following URL and replace your server name and the EntityMapId of your choice to gain access to the rest of the mappingList editors.



Saturday, May 23, 2009

CRM Demos, SSD Drives and Virtual Machines

When doing a demo you never want the software to look slow, and when doing CRM development against virtual machines performance is always critical to being efficient.

The Hardware
Samsung recently released their new 256Gb SSD drive and for me this drive signals that SSD drives have become mature. Intel has had very fast SSD drives available, but they were not very large. Like most other SSD drives they suffered from a condition where over time the drive would drop dramatically in performance. Samsung’s new drive has algorithms to minimize this to the point of it being of it being much less noticeable while still performing very similarly to the Intel SSD’s in access time and throughput.

So hoping that this drive lived up to my expectations, I replaced my laptop’s 7200 rpm 160Gb drive with Samsung’s new 256Gb SSD drive. My main concern was that running my VM’s off the system drive would still be unacceptable.

Virtual Machines
Before: I have run my vhd files from separate Firewire 800 Raid 0 drives. Keeping the system drive separate from the VHD was critical to getting good virtual machine performance.

After: The MS CRM 4.0 VHD 2009 now loads up in a mere 14 seconds while still running on the system drive versus 52 seconds on my external Firewire 800 drive. VS 2008 loads up after a clean boot(nothing cached) in 17 seconds and closes in 2 seconds compared with 57 and 13 seconds on my old drive.

Developing against a VM while on battery
This allows real development work to be done while running on battery power. The new SSD drive uses less power than the original drive did, and lugging around external drives for demos is now unnecessary.

As I write this the new Samsung drive is currently available at Dell as part 341-9999 for $699.99.  For this you get 256Gb at the speed of a 10,000 rpm RAID system that fits in a laptop while sipping at your batteries. In some ways, especially average access time, it actually blows an expensive and bulky RAID system away.


Even MORE Speed Possible
I’ve seen reports twin drive laptops getting transfer rates of 300 MB/sec with two of these Samsung drives in a RAID 0 configuration. For comparison a single Samsung drive has a transfer rate of 200MB/sec which is still a lot faster than the 60Mb/sec of a 7200rpm internal laptop drive my less than a year old laptop was using.

The Installation
The replacement was easy. I used my Acronis backup software to make a complete disk backup to one of my external RAID drives. For my Dell M6300 I had to remove 4 screws, pull the drive out. Remove two more screws for the surrounding case. Screw the new drive into the case, slide it into the computer and put the 4 attaching screws back in. Boot from the Acronis CD. It recognizes all of my external drives USB and Firewire. Use the Acronis software to “add a drive” and partition it. Then restore the backup, remove the CD and reboot. The backup and restore(much faster) took me about 2.5 hours. Everything else took about 15 minutes.

Monday, May 18, 2009

MS CRM 4.0 Generate SSRS reports by webservice ( pdf , HTML , CSV , etc..)

Below is a Generic SSRS web service reporting method that generates a byte[] perfect for use in an annotation or email attachment. The example method above it shows how to call this method and how to create an annotation attachment.

You can combine this with my post on driving email templates and generating email attachments to create some very powerful solutions. If you need a primer on activity parties see my post on creating activity parties.

Generating SSRS reports by web service is a very valuable tool. I frequently use this to generate custom reports from custom web applications running in iframes such that the report is run with the permissions of the user running the report. To take advantage of this the reports must be run against MS CRM’s filtered views.

To Generate an SSRS report by web service do the following:

1. Add a report execution web reference to your solution. Make sure this link is accessible. The url should be something like the following:

2. Build up the parameters that you need to generate the report.

3. Select the Report Name of your Report

4. Specify the Type of Report

5. Specify the Device information ( formatting )

The example method CallReport() below demonstrates these steps. It in turn calls GenerateSRSbytes which makes the actual web service call.

using System.Net;
using Microsoft.Win32;
using ReportExecutionService;

public class SRSReporting

    public void CallReport()
        string reportServiceUrl = "http://<SRS_Server_Name>/ReportServer/ReportExecution2005.asmx";

        // Create the Report Service Url from the registry
        RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("Software\\Microsoft\\MSCRM", false);

        if (key != null)
            reportServiceUrl = (string)key.GetValue("SQLRSServerURL") + @"/ReportExecution2005.asmx";

        // Report parameter Name and Value fields are strings.

        string reportParameter = "type";
        string reportValue = "annual";

        // Create as many parameters as you need.
        var parameters = new[]
             new ParameterValue {Name = "entityid", Value = "0031a390-0d42-de11-9aa9-0003ff517b20"},
             new ParameterValue {Name = reportParameter, Value = reportValue}

        // Pathname to the report from Reporting Services, where TestReport is the rdl uploaded using http://<SRS_Server_Name>/Reports
        // Make sure that you set the Data Source properly
        // Make sure to set security properly
        string reportName = "/AutomatedCRMReporting/TestReport";

        // Specify what type of report you want to create HTML,PDF, CVS, Excel, Word, XML, MHTML, Image
        string reportFormat = "PDF";

        // Specify the device information to control the output of your report.
        //For device information See
        string deviceInformation = "<DeviceInfo><DpiX>240</DpiX><DpiY>240</DpiY><StartPage>0</StartPage></DeviceInfo>";

        // Generate a report in a format for a CRM annotation or email attachment
        byte[] generatedReport = GenerateSRSbytes(reportName, parameters, reportFormat, deviceInformation, reportServiceUrl, null, null, null);

        // An example attachment created from an SRS report
        //var newAnnotation = new annotation
        //  {
        //      objectid = CrmTypes.CreateLookup(regardingEntity, regardingId),
        //      objecttypecode = CrmTypes.CreateEntityNameReference(,
        //      isdocument = CrmTypes.CreateCrmBoolean(true),
        //      ownerid = CrmTypes.CreateOwner(EntityName.systemuser.ToString(), ownerId),
        //      filename = reportFileName,
        //      documentbody = Convert.ToBase64String(generatedReport),
        //      filesize = CrmTypes.CreateCrmNumber(generatedReport.Length),
        //      subject = reportFileName
        //  };


    /// <summary>
    /// Generates an SSRS Report and returns a byte[] for a CRM attachment
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="reportPath">Name of the report.</param>
    /// <param name="parameters">The parameters.</param>
    /// <param name="outputFormat">The output format.</param>
    /// <param name="deviceInformation">The device information. See</param>
    /// <param name="ReportServiceUrl"></param>
    /// <param name="userName">if null, DefaultNetworkCredentials are used</param>
    /// <param name="passWord">if null, DefaultNetworkCredentials are used</param>
    /// <param name="domainName"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static byte[] GenerateSRSbytes(string reportPath, ParameterValue[] parameters, string outputFormat, string deviceInformation, string ReportServiceUrl, string userName, string passWord, string domainName)
        string encoding;
        string mimeType;
        string extension;
        string[] streamIDs;
        string SessionId;
        string historyID = null;
        Warning[] warnings;

        // By default the Report will run with the permissions of the AD authenticated User.
        var rs = new ReportExecutionService.ReportExecutionService
            Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials,
            Url = ReportServiceUrl

        // Impersonate credentials if they are specified. 
        if (userName != null && passWord != null)
            if (domainName == null)
                rs.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(userName, passWord);
                rs.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(userName, passWord, domainName);

        // Set timeout in seconds of the report takes a long time.
        //rs.Timeout = 600000;

        ExecutionHeader execHeader = new ExecutionHeader();
        rs.ExecutionHeaderValue = execHeader;

        var execInfo = new ExecutionInfo();
        execInfo = rs.LoadReport(reportPath, historyID);

        rs.SetExecutionParameters(parameters, "en-us");

        SessionId = rs.ExecutionHeaderValue.ExecutionID;

        // Render Report
        return rs.Render(outputFormat, deviceInformation, out extension, out mimeType, out encoding, out warnings, out streamIDs);


Happy Coding!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

MS CRM 4.0 Many to Many Query helper

Rather than trying to explain how to query a many to many relationship, I thought it might be easier for many people to take a working generic method that retrieves a collection of entities from a Many to Many relationship and modify it as needed.

When a many to many relationship is created CRM creates a link table. Default naming conventions could give you a name like this


which is a link table between new_entity1 and new_entity2

The three entities involved are the following:

  • linkTableEntity - new_new_entity1_new_entity2
  • filterEntity – new_entity1
    • put your conditions against this
  • returnedEntity – new_entity2
    • specify your return attributes against this

The arguments to call this method are the following:

  • service = ICRMService
  • linkTableEntityName= "new_new_entity1_new_entity2"
  • filterEntityName = "new_entity1"
  • filterEntityIdName = "new_entity1id"
  • filterAttribute = "new_name"
  • filterValue = "my entity’s name"
  • returnedCollectionEntityName = "new_entity2"
  • returnedCollectionIdName = "new_entity2id"
  • returnedAttibutes = null  //null returns all columns
    or returnedAttributes = new[]{"new_entity2id","new_name"}
/// <summary>
/// Generic Method to retrieve a collection of all DynamicEntities related to another Entity in a Many to Many relationship
/// </summary>
/// <param name="service"></param>
/// <param name="linkTableEntityName"></param>
/// <param name="filterEntityName"></param>
/// <param name="filterEntityIdName"></param>
/// <param name="filterValue"></param>
/// <param name="returnedCollectionEntityName"></param>
/// <param name="returnedCollectionEntityIdName"></param>
/// <param name="filterAttribute"></param>
/// <param name="returnedAttributes">if null, AllColumns() is used</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static BusinessEntityCollection RetrieveEntityCollectionFromManyToMany(ICrmService service, 
    string linkTableEntityName,
    string filterEntityName, string filterEntityIdName, string filterAttribute,  string filterValue,
    string returnedCollectionEntityName, string returnedCollectionEntityIdName, string[] returnedAttributes)
    // Selection against linked Filter Entity
    var con = new ConditionExpression
        AttributeName = filterAttribute,
        Operator = ConditionOperator.Equal,
        Values = new[] { filterValue }

    var filter = new FilterExpression
        FilterOperator = LogicalOperator.And

    // the Entity that you are filtering with
    var filterLinkEntity = new LinkEntity
           LinkToEntityName = filterEntityName,
           LinkFromAttributeName = filterEntityIdName,
           LinkToAttributeName = filterEntityIdName,
           LinkCriteria = filter
    // The linktable Entity that CRM generates
    var linkTableEntity = new LinkEntity
          LinkToEntityName = linkTableEntityName,
          LinkFromAttributeName = returnedCollectionEntityIdName,
          LinkToAttributeName = returnedCollectionEntityIdName


    // The Entity returning the results
    var expression = new QueryExpression
        EntityName = returnedCollectionEntityName

    // Set columns being returned
    if (returnedAttributes == null)
        expression.ColumnSet = new AllColumns();
        expression.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet(returnedAttributes);


    var request = new RetrieveMultipleRequest {Query = expression, ReturnDynamicEntities = true };

    var response = (RetrieveMultipleResponse)service.Execute(request);
    return response.BusinessEntityCollection;

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Accessing and Controlling the CrmForm from an iframe.

If you write custom web applications in iframes that depend on the data in the parent form, it is important to run on up to date information to avoid user confusion.

Important! This requires that the Restrict cross-frame scripting box for your iframe is NOT checked.


Accessing attribute values on the Parent Form can be done simply by adding a parent.document in front of your normal attribute names. This gets you the values currently on the form, but doesn't guarantee those values have been saved.

var myAttributeValue = parent.document.crmForm.all.new_attribute.DataValue;

Parent Form Save "if modified" This is a nice method to call because if there are no modified values on the form it won't do anything and your application can continue on it's merry way.


Force a Parent Save Sometimes you want to force a save so that a Plug-in is called to do some additional calculations even though no attributes have been modified on your current form. The recalculate on the Opportunity, Quote, Order, and Invoice forms is a good example.

Note: The SubmitCrmForm method is not a MS supported method, but it hasn't changed in the last couple CRM revisions.

SubmitCRMForm( Mode, Validate, ForceSubmit, closeWindow)

1 = Save, 2 = SaveAndClose, 7 = Send,
58 = SaveAsCompleted, 59 = SaveAndNew

Example: In this example I am forcing a save so that a plug-in is called on the Pre Update for the quote to create a new total value from the quote details that were filled in when the Quote was created from an Opportunity. These new fields were  mapped between the detail products see Mapping Note below. The iframe contains a button to do something that requires all of the data on the quote be up to date.

function RecalculateQuote() 
   if ( parent.document.crmForm.all.new_totalamount.DataValue == null)
    parent.document.crmForm.SubmitCrmForm(1, true, true, false);   
    return false;      

The above JavaScript is made to work with an OnClientClick so that a return false will not generate a postback.

Why do we need a return false option?  If the validation fails, a message is generated for the user, the save is not performed, and you do not want your action to run.

The data has already been filled in, then the crmFrom.Save() will check to make sure that any modified fields on the form have been saved.

<asp:Button ID="RunMyNeatFeature" CssClass="button" runat="server" Text="Go" OnClick="RunMyNeatFeature_Click"
OnClientClick="javascript:return RecalculateQuote();"/>

For the button the OnClick will PostBack and run the functionality I care about only if the RecalculateQuote() is not false.

This safeguards the user from running the functionality with different data than what is on the screen when they press the "Go" button.

Mapping Note: For mapping details open SQL Management Studio and look at the EntityMapBase table to find the EntityMapId that has the SourceEntityName and TargetEntityName that you are interested in. Add your guid to the end of the URL below and it will bring up a form to map attributes between the Source and Target Entities.


Sunday, March 15, 2009

Techniques for Driving MS CRM Email Templates

The email templates in MS CRM can be leveraged as a powerful building block when generating emails programmatically.


  • Generate your HTML in another editor and then paste it into the template editor to add data slugs.
  • Associate your template with the entity that you want the most information from.
  • Use Template Naming conventions that organize things and make programmatic template selection easier.

For an example lets say that we have product specific Quote Letters.

Using my helper method from a previous blog article, grab an email template matching a specific name based on the product.

// Get appropriate Template
BusinessEntityCollection templates = 
   h.GetAllEntitieswithFilter(EntityName.template.ToString(), new[] { "templateid" }, new[]{"title"}, new[]{emailTemplateTitle});

Then create a new InstantiateTemplateRequest using the template id and point it at an entity with the information that you want merged in. This must be the same type that you associated your template with when you created it.

var instTemplate = new InstantiateTemplateRequest
         TemplateId = thisTemplate.templateid.Value,
         ObjectId = quoteId,
         ObjectType = EntityName.quote.ToString()

// Execute the request to create an email message from the template.
var instTemplateResponse = (InstantiateTemplateResponse)h.service.Execute(instTemplate);

var newEmail = (email)instTemplateResponse.BusinessEntityCollection.BusinessEntities[0];

The result of the InstantiateTemplateResponse is an email entity collection. For this example we just have one email.

From here you can regard the email to a completely different entity if you want. It is only important that the ObjectId and ObjectType be set for the merge process. After that is complete this is just another email with a bunch of fields pre-filled. Now you can have your way with it like any other email that you created from scratch. This is critical to making the best use of email templates.

Additional Merging
If you are calculating other numbers or pulling information from another data source outside of CRM, there is no reason to limit merging to what can be represented as data slugs.

In this example I am using putting additional information into the email body with a simple string replace using an agreed upon naming convention to represent additional merge fields.

// If template had #EmbedLicense# in body replace it with the license information
newEmail.description = newEmail.description.Replace("#EmbedLicense#", embedFile);

From here you can add attachments as shown here.

Proofing before Email is Sent
Another useful thing to do if you are doing this in a web application or a client Winform application is save the email and then open it in a new window for final review before it is sent. To do that generate a URL like the following with your orgname and email id passed in. You can get the CRM server base URL from the registry as shown here which you need for your web service reference, and then use the following: CrmServerBaseUrl = CrmServiceUrl.Substring(0, CrmServiceUrl.ToLower().IndexOf("mscrmservices"));

 // Open newly created email activity at this Url.
var emailUrl = h.CrmServerBaseUrl + "/"+orgname+"/activities/email/edit.aspx?id={" + emailId + "}";

From a WinForm application you can pop a CRM screen up like this.

For a web application register some JavaScript in the code behind that sets the value of the new email's URL.

 // Sets Javascript variables to envoke Window Open to new Explorer Window with body onload event
const string SETQUERYSTRING_SCRIPT = "Email_String";

if (!Page.ClientScript.IsClientScriptBlockRegistered(SETQUERYSTRING_SCRIPT))
   Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(GetType(), SETQUERYSTRING_SCRIPT, string.Format(@"<script language=""javascript"">emailRecordUrl = '{0}';</script>", emailUrl));

Then in the aspx file use the following JavaScript code to open the new window. Call the script from the onload of the body.

<script type="text/javascript"> var emailRecordUrl = ""; function UpdateCRMFormGenerateEmail() { if (emailRecordUrl != "") { emailRecordUrl,
"_blank", "toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes"); emailRecordUrl = ""; } } </script> </head> <body onload="UpdateCRMFormGenerateEmail();">

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

MS CRM 4.0 Plug-in Stages, Pipelines and Execution Modes

I've found a lot of contradictory information and misinformation about what you can and can't do inside of a plugin depending on how you are calling it, and when you should call each one, so I hope this will help.

Stage of Execution:

Pre-Stage: (synchronous) called before the write to the database.

The main reasons to use a Pre-Stage of Execution are synchronous in nature:

  • Modify data before it is written to the database.
  • Abort the action being taken
  • Server Side Validity checking

Post-Stage: (synchronous or asynchronous)

Use the Post-Stage of Execution whenever you don't need to use Pre-Stage.

If you don't want the user to wait for the process to finish and there is no race condition use asynchronous.

Triggering Pipeline:

The triggering pipeline is a little less obvious in nature and has an impact on what functionality that you can use in your plugin.

Parent Pipeline: This is the pipeline that is the most common and there are no restrictions imposed in a parent pipeline.

Child Pipeline: This is the pipeline that causes the most confusion and there are limitations that vary with Stage and Execution Mode.

Sometimes a child pipeline is required to trap the event you need, and sometimes you need to trap both the parent and child pipeline for the same entity, message and stage.

Example: Change the quotenumber in the Pre-Stage for the Create of a Quote.

The quotenumber is a field that the CRM web service will not allow you to change after it is written to the database so you need to use the Pre-Stage and modify the context Entity before the end of the Execute method as shown below.

var entity = (DynamicEntity)context.InputParameters.Properties[ParameterName.Target];

// . . . retrieve data to populate number . . .

// Set value before it is written to the database

if( entity.Properties.Contains(numberField))

var prop = new StringProperty(numberField, newNumber);

So far so good. This will work in any Pre-Create pipeline!

You can create a Quote in a few ways.

  • Sales -> Quotes -> New
  • (open an Account) -> Quotes -> New Quote
  • Sales -> Opportunities (open an opportunity) -> Quotes -> New Quote

Do you think that Creating a Quote always happens in the same pipeline?

Since you are an efficient plugin developer and are using the ICrmService and dynamic entities to access CRM data because it is pre-authenticated and fast. You retrieve some information to help create the number.

ICrmService service = context.CreateCrmService(true);
retrieved = (RetrieveMultipleResponse)service.Execute(retrieve);

You register your plugin using the handy plugin registration tool for the Quote entity with the following settings:

  • Create
  • Pre Stage
  • Synchronous
  • Parent Pipeline


You create your Quote from Sales -> Quotes -> New and it works!

However, in many business processes the user will create a Quote from an opportunity so it will inherit opportunityproduct information.

Now you create your quote from Sales -> Opportunities (open an opportunity) -> Quotes -> New Quote and for some reason your plugin did not fire. That is because this quote was created in a child pipeline.

The entire QOI chain also occurs in a child pipeline. If you create an order from a quote or invoice from an order it is happening in a child pipeline. There are other places that this occurs as well like creation of an account or contact from a lead.

You are in a child pipeline, now what ?

The first thing that you might try is to take your existing plugin and register it against the child pipeline, but it won't work. The ICrmService is not available to you in a child pipeline.

If you downloaded the plug-in template for CRM, you have probably seen the following method, which is what you need to use in a child pipeline.

/// <summary>
/// Creates a CrmService proxy for plug-ins that execute in the child pipeline.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="context">The execution context that was passed to the plug-ins Execute method.</param>
/// <param name="flag">Set to True to use impersontation.</param>
/// <returns>A CrmServce instance.</returns>
private static CrmService CreateCrmService(IPluginExecutionContext context, Boolean flag)
    var authToken = new CrmAuthenticationToken { AuthenticationType = 0, OrganizationName = context.OrganizationName, CallerId = (flag ? context.UserId : context.InitiatingUserId) };

    var corToken = new CorrelationToken { CorrelationId = context.CorrelationId, CorrelationUpdatedTime = context.CorrelationUpdatedTime, Depth = context.Depth };

    var regkey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\MSCRM", false);

    var service = new CrmService
        CrmAuthenticationTokenValue = authToken,
        UseDefaultCredentials = true,
        Url = String.Concat(regkey.GetValue("ServerUrl").ToString(), "/2007/crmservice.asmx"),
        CorrelationTokenValue = corToken

    return service;

You may find another method called GetCrmProxyUsingEndpointUrlInChildPipeline. It is essentially the same.

There is a comment in the plugin template that doesn't tell the whole story.

// For a plug-in running in the child pipeline, use this statement.
// CrmService crmService = CreateCrmService(context, true);

What it doesn't mention is that what you are allowed to do with that service depends on what your execution mode is.

Hard Coded Restrictions:

A CrmService running Synchronously in a child pipeline is limited to the following:

  • Create
  • Delete
  • Update
  • RetrieveExchangeRate

However a child plugin running in Asynchronous Execution Mode is not limited this way.

Those 4 allowed actions are hard coded by MS whenever the plugin is executed inside a transaction, and it appears that all synchronous child pipeline events occur inside a transaction.

However you can do a query in child pipeline if it is registered as asynchronous.

In review:

  • Use ICrmService for all parent pipelines when at all possible.
  • Use CrmService for child pipelines in asynchronous execution mode.
  • There is very limited functionality allowed with CrmService for any plugin registered in a synchronous child pipeline
  • Querying CRM data in a plug-in registered as a synchronous Pre Create in a child process is currently very unsupported. (ie. direct SQL access)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Dynamic Entity and Entity query helper methods

If you do much MS CRM development you will find that you are constantly querying for things. These are a couple helper methods that I have found come in handy.

There are some subtle differences between them.

Querying for Collections

The following 2 methods retrieve any entity, filtering on any attribute(s), ordering on any attribute(s), and returning any number of specified attributes. The only real restraint is that they are hard coded to anding the filters together and only comparing filters with an Equal condition operator.

BusinessEntityCollection opportunityCollection = webservicehelper.GetAllEntitieswithFiltersOrdered(
new[]  "opportunityid", "name", "statecode" }, 
new[] { "customerid","statecode" },
new[] { thisAccount.accountid.Value.ToString(),"Open" },
new[] {"createdon"},
new[] {false});

BusinessEntityCollection opportunityCollection
= PluginHelper.GetDynamicEntitiesWithFiltersOrdered( EntityName.opportunity.ToString(),
new[] { "opportunityid", "name", "statecode" },
new[] { "customerid" },
new[] { accountId.ToString() },
new[] {"createdon"},
new[] {false}, 

The following Helper methods do the exact same thing for strongly typed entities and then dynamic entities. They both return a BusinessEntityCollection but notice the differences in how they are implemented.

The first is for the strongly typed Entity.

public BusinessEntityCollection GetAllEntitieswithFiltersOrdered(string entity, string[] attributes, string[] fields, string[] values, string[] orderfields, bool[] orderAscending)

    var cols = new ColumnSet { Attributes = attributes };

    var conditions = new ConditionExpression[fields.Length];

    for (int i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++)
        var condition = new ConditionExpression
            AttributeName = fields[i],
            Operator = ConditionOperator.Equal,
            Values = new[] { values[i] }

        conditions[i] = condition;

    var filter = new FilterExpression
        FilterOperator = LogicalOperator.And,
        Conditions = conditions

    var orderArray = new OrderExpression[orderfields.Length];

    for (int i = 0; i < orderfields.Length; i++)
        var thisOrder = new OrderExpression
            AttributeName = orderfields[i],
            OrderType = (orderAscending[i] ? OrderType.Ascending : OrderType.Descending)

        orderArray[i] = thisOrder;

    var query = new QueryExpression
        EntityName = entity,
        ColumnSet = cols,
        Criteria = filter,
        Orders = orderArray

        return service.RetrieveMultiple(query);

    catch (SoapException ex)
        var thisOrder = new OrderExpression
            AttributeName = orderfields[i],
            OrderType = (orderAscending[i] ? OrderType.Ascending : OrderType.Descending)

        orderArray[i] = thisOrder;

    var query = new QueryExpression
        EntityName = entity,
        ColumnSet = cols,
        Criteria = filter,
        Orders = orderArray

        return service.RetrieveMultiple(query);

    catch (SoapException ex)
        emailNotifications.sendExceptionMessage(service.Url, " - GetAllEntitieswithFiltersOrdered FAILED:", errorEmails, ex,
            "<br/><br/>Entity: " + query.EntityName);
        emailNotifications.sendExceptionMessage(service.Url, " - GetAllEntitieswithFiltersOrdered FAILED:", errorEmails, ex,
            "<br/><br/>Entity: " + query.EntityName);

The second is for a Dynamic Entity in a Plug-in.

public static BusinessEntityCollection GetDynamicEntitiesWithFiltersOrdered(string entityName, string[] attributes, string[] fields, string[] values, string[] orderfields, bool[] orderAscending, ICrmService serv)
        var filters = new FilterExpression { FilterOperator = LogicalOperator.And };

        for (int i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++)
            var condition = new ConditionExpression
                AttributeName = fields[i],
                Operator = ConditionOperator.Equal,
                Values = new[] { values[i] }

        var query = new QueryExpression
            EntityName = entityName,
            ColumnSet = new ColumnSet(attributes),
            Criteria = filters

        for (int i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++)
            var oneExpression = new OrderExpression
                     AttributeName = orderfields[i],
                     OrderType = (orderAscending[i] ? OrderType.Ascending : OrderType.Descending)


        var retrieve = new RetrieveMultipleRequest { Query = query, ReturnDynamicEntities = true };

        var retrieved = (RetrieveMultipleResponse)serv.Execute(retrieve);

        return retrieved.BusinessEntityCollection;

    catch (SoapException ex)
        throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException(
             String.Format("An error occurred in GetDynamicEntitiesWithFilters plug-in. {0}", ex.Detail.InnerText), ex);

    catch (Exception ex)
        throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException(
           String.Format("An error occurred in GetDynamicEntitiesWithFilters plug-in. {0} - trace - {1} -  source - {2}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace, ex.Source), ex);

One of the largest differences between querying for these two types of collections is that you are assigning a complete arrays in one and adding to the other.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Case Responsible Contact To Email and other Activities

A typical customer request is for email created from a Case to default to send to the Responsible Contact instead of its default behavior which is to send it to the Customer.

Since the Responsible Contact isn't even on the Case form by default and a customer could be a contact, MS chose this default behavior. However most of my installations to date have an Account as the Customer and one of many Contacts related to that Account as a Responsible Contact.

This is actually something very easy to change.

Please Note: This is an unsupported modification, and any patch could overwrite this.

There is a JavaScript file, cases.js, in the following folder.

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server\CRMWeb\_static\CS\cases

It contains a function called locAddActTo that fills the To: activity party variables that are sent in the QueryString to the activity like the URL below.


What we care about are the partyid, partytype and partyname arguments.

function locAddActTo(iActivityType, sContentId)
var sParentId   = null;
var sParentType = null;
var sPartyId   = null;
var sPartyType = null;
var sPartyName = null;
var sPartyLocation = null;

sParentId   = crmFormSubmit.crmFormSubmitId.value;
sParentType = crmFormSubmit.crmFormSubmitObjectType.value;

if (iActivityType != Task)
var customerId = crmForm.all.customerid.DataValue;
if (!IsNull(customerId))
if (!IsNull(customerId[0]))
sPartyId   = customerId[0].id;
sPartyType = customerId[0].type;
sPartyName = crmForm.customerid.parentElement.previousSibling.innerText;

sPartyLocation = "";

As you can see this information is being pulled from the case form customer field crmForm.all.customerid.DataValue

So all we have to do is change this to crmForm.all.responsiblecontactid.DataValue

and change the sPartyName assignment.

sPartyName = crmForm.customerid.parentElement.previousSibling.innerText;
sPartyName = customerId[0].name;

You can just replace the above function with the one below if you would like.

function locAddActTo(iActivityType, sContentId)
var sParentId   = null;
var sParentType = null;
var sPartyId   = null;
var sPartyType = null;
var sPartyName = null;
var sPartyLocation = null;

sParentId   = crmFormSubmit.crmFormSubmitId.value;
sParentType = crmFormSubmit.crmFormSubmitObjectType.value;

if (iActivityType != Task)
var customerId = crmForm.all.responsiblecontactid.DataValue;
if (!IsNull(customerId))
if (!IsNull(customerId[0]))
sPartyId   = customerId[0].id;
sPartyType = customerId[0].type;
sPartyName = customerId[0].name;

sPartyLocation = "";

After you have saved the change, run  iisreset to flush the cache.

That's it.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

CRM 4.0 Custom Workflows

Custom Workflows in MS CRM 4.0 are very simple to deploy and are pretty simple to create especially if you are familiar with Plugin-in development. 

Before you can create a workflow you need to have the Workflow Extensions installed. This is more of a concern if you are running VS2005. If you are running VS 2008 SP1, you should have everything you need already.

If you have an assembly that you are already deploying for plug-ins you can even add a workflow to that assembly so that you have fewer deployment assemblies.

The following custom workflow was created for a customer who wanted to have a matching customer sales relationship created for an account whenever an opportunity role was assigned to a contact.

namespace OneCRMPro { // In the workflow editor // "OneCRMPro" is going to show up at the bottom of the Add Step pick list // "Create CustomerRelationship" will show up as item off of OneCRMPro. [PersistOnClose] [CrmWorkflowActivity("Create CustomerRelationship", "OneCRMPro")] public partial class CreateCustomerRelationship : SequenceActivity { // These DependencyProperty entries will show up in the Set Properties editor public static DependencyProperty RoleProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Role", typeof(Lookup), typeof(CreateCustomerRelationship)); [CrmInput("Sales Role")] [CrmReferenceTarget("relationshiprole")] public Lookup Role { get { return (Lookup)GetValue(RoleProperty); } set { SetValue(RoleProperty, value); } } public static DependencyProperty CustomerProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Customer", typeof(Lookup), typeof(CreateCustomerRelationship)); [CrmInput("Customer Contact")] [CrmReferenceTarget("contact")] public Lookup Customer { get { return (Lookup)GetValue(CustomerProperty); } set { SetValue(CustomerProperty, value); } } // End Set Properties /// <summary> /// Execute is called when the custom workflow is invoked /// </summary> /// <param name="executionContext"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected override ActivityExecutionStatus Execute(ActivityExecutionContext executionContext) { //Get a workflow context var contextService = executionContext.GetService(typeof(IContextService)) as IContextService; var workflowContext = contextService.Context; CreateRole(workflowContext); return ActivityExecutionStatus.Closed; } /// <summary> /// Create a matching sales customer relationship role /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> private void CreateRole(IWorkflowContext context) { try { // Get Guids of Customer and RelationshipRole Guid contactId = Customer.Value; Guid salesRoleId = Role.Value; // get a local service ICrmService service = context.CreateCrmService(true); // Grab the contact involved var cols = new ColumnSet(new [] {"parentcustomerid"}); var thisContact = (contact)service.Retrieve(, contactId, cols); // Create a cooresponding customer relationship var role = new customerrelationship { customerid = thisContact.parentcustomerid, partnerid = CrmTypes.CreateCustomer(, contactId), partnerroleid = CrmTypes.CreateLookup(EntityName.relationshiprole.ToString(), salesRoleId) }; service.Create(role); } catch (SoapException) { // Handle error } catch (Exception) { // Handle error } } } }

Before you can use your workflow it needs to be strongly signed and registered.  Its assembly is registered in the same way as a plugin, but it doesn't require registering it at the entity or event level. If you don't have the plugin Registration Tool you can find it here. Plugin Deployment Tool


When you create a new Workflow you can now select this custom Workflow when you "Add Step" and pick the following at the bottom of the list.

OneCRMPro   >   Create CustomerRelationship

Now when you "Set Properties", you will see below how the DependencyProperty values will show up below.

The CrmInput keyword specifies the Property Name and the CrmReferenceTarget keyword specifies the expected attribute type to be mapped.


That's about it. Publish your workflow and try it out!